The humble petition of many thousands of yong men, and apprentices of the City of London, - to the High and Honorable, the knights, citizens and burgesses in the supreme court of Parliament assembled. Presented the 13 of July, 1647. Die Martis, 13 Julii, 1647. A petition, stiled The humble petition of many yong men and apprentices of the City of London, was this day read; and it is ordered, that Sir John Danvers, Alderman Atkin, and Colonel Ven do acquaint the petitioners, that the House is at this time upon the consideration of setling the peace and great affairs of the kingdom; that they will consider of it in convenient time. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com

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Printed for William Larnar, at the sign of the Black-Moor in Bishopsgate-street 1647 England, London 8 sidor.